Acupuncture Techniques

Acupuncture has the ability to treat pain and disease and is based on an energetic model of the humans body. Pain and disease occurs in the body when there is deficiency or an imbalance of the energy in the meridians.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a medical practice that stimulates specific points on the body—usually with tiny needles—with the goal of treating health problems or alleviating pain.

Acupuncture has been used for millennia, and it has become increasingly popular around the globe in the last few decades. Today, you can find acupuncture clinics nearly anywhere, and many hospitals and health care facilities offer acupuncture treatments as well.

Researchers are still working to unlock the mysteries of acupuncture. There’s some debate on how it actually works. Some researchers hypothesize that acupuncture stimulates the nerves, which triggers the release of “feel-good” hormones through neurohormonal pathways.

Others think that acupuncture stimulates the pituitary gland, instructing the body to produce more of these good hormones. And, some researchers hypothesize that acupuncture reduces pro-inflammatory markers in the body, which helps to decrease inflammation, decrease pain, increase energy, and improve the immune system.

In any case, it seems that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce endorphins and other pain-relieving, mood-boosting hormones.

Acupuncture is usually carried out as a holistic health treatment, used in conjunction with other diet and lifestyle changes to support a healthy mind and body.

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Acupuncture has the ability to treat pain and disease is based on an energetic model of the humans body. Pain and disease occurs in the body when there is deficiency or an imbalance of the energy in the meridians.

What Does Acupuncture Treat?

Acupuncture has the potential to help with a wide variety of issues! As it can help reduce pain and inflammation, it’s used to relieve many different health conditions.

Acupuncture for Weight Loss

While you shouldn’t expect acupuncture to singlehandedly help you lose weight, it can support you through the weight loss process. When you use acupuncture for weight loss along with other healthy changes (like exercise and nutritious food), you can experience enhanced results.

Acupuncture for Stress

Acupuncture has the potential to release endorphins and other “feel-good” hormones in the brain, which relieves feelings of stress and helps your mind and body relax. If you’re interested in a holistic, gentle approach toward stress relief, acupuncture for stress is a great idea.

Acupuncture for Anxiety

Studies have shown positive results for treating anxiety with acupuncture. Though it’s best used in conjunction with other treatments (like counseling), acupuncture for anxiety is a great idea. It can help you limit or even stop using prescription drugs for anxiety.

The Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a gentle therapy with widespread benefits for your mind and your body. It can increase the effects of many medical treatments and therapies, helping to accelerate healing and reduce symptoms. It can also help you reduce or eliminate your use of side-effect-causing prescription drugs.

Acupuncture’s Side Effects

Acupuncture uses needles, and even though they are very tiny, they can cause a stinging, pinching, or aching sensation where they are inserted. In some cases, acupuncture can lead to dizziness after treatment or bruising at the site of treatment. However, don’t worry—these effects are minimal and do not last for long.

Make sure to answer your acupuncturist’s questions accurately. If you have specific health conditions or you’re taking certain medicines (like blood thinners), your chance of side effects could increase. And, if you experience pain or discomfort during the treatment, let the acupuncturist know immediately.
