Tui-Na Massage

Medical massage is an outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem(s) the patient presents with a diagnosis and administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment.

What is Tui-Na Massage?

When most people think about massages, they think of a spa massage. But there’s another type of massage: Tui-Na medical massage therapy. Administered in a clinical setting, this type of massage often has different goals in mind. Rather than simply trying to achieve relaxation, a Tui-Na medical massage is usually administered with the goal of treating a specific ailment, injury, or disease. It is usually used as a complementary therapy along with other treatment modalities.

With Tui-Na medical massage, your massage practitioner will draw from a wide variety of techniques that are aimed at specific health issues.  They will work alongside your physician to address and treat your health issues. And, good news: in most cases, this medical massage is covered by NYSHIP Empire Insurance Plan!

What Does Tui-Na Medical Massage Therapy Treat?

Each medical massage session is carefully planned to treat your individual health issues. So, if you’ve been diagnosed with a sports injury, muscle sprains or strains, arthritis, nerve problems, asthma, bronchitis, headaches or migraines, anxiety, or depression; it might be possible to treat these conditions with medical massage. It can also be used to help you recover from a surgery or an accident, and it has been used to help stroke patients recover as well.

If you’re interested in Tui-Na medical massage for your health condition, talk to your practitioner about it, and they can let you know if medical massage therapy is ideal for your situation.


Benefits of Tui-Na Medical Massage

Tui-Na Medical massage, like regular massage, is great for destressing and relaxation. In addition, it can offer healing from a variety of issues. Whether you are an athlete dealing with an injury or you’re looking for massage to relieve chronic tension headaches, you’ll likely experience relief in just a few sessions.

Tui-Na Medical massage can help relieve muscle tension, increase circulation, help improve the immune system, relieve nerve problems, decrease pain, improve posture and coordination, help with flexibility and range of motion, and more. It can even help improve digestion and calm your nervous system.

Tui-Na Medical massage can have long-lasting effects when it comes to chronic pain. By helping to eliminate the root of the problem, it can greatly reduce your future pain, which allows you to live a pain-free life with fewer pharmaceutical medicines.

Tui-Na Medical massage therapy, like many alternative treatments, offers a holistic, mind-and-body approach. Even though you have a specific medical goal in mind, you’ll still get the stress relief, emotional healing, and other benefits that naturally come with therapeutic massage. In fact, massage has been proven to reduce stress hormones and increase “feel-good” hormones throughout the body.

Is Medical Massage Covered by Insurance?

Yes—in most cases, your insurance company will cover part or all of your visits if the medical massage treatment has been prescribed to you by a medical doctor! This is great news for anyone looking for an alternative medicine treatment that can also be covered by insurance.  However, you’ll have to check with your insurance provider to be sure.